Mauritania 1

EROS Cal/Val Center of Excellence (ECCOE)
Test Sites Catalog
Mauritania 1
Landsat 8 LandsatLook Image Path 201 Row 46-47 Acquired 20 Jul 2020 with ROI indicated Google Earth Image centered on Mauritania 1 ROI


Mauritania 1 is referenced by the Committee on Earth Observation Satellites (CEOS) Working Group for Calibration and Validation (WGCV) Infrared and Visible Optical Sensors (IVOS) as a stable Pseudo-invariant Calibration Site (PICS), and is located in Mauritania, Africa. This site is reasonably spatially homogeneous across a 50 km x 50 km area, although patchy (in color and intensity) across a larger area on the western side. There are large dune patterns across the northern half of Landsat WRS-2 scene Path 201 / Row 47, so that area should be avoided. This site appears very flat, with a standard deviation of about 10 meters [1]. According to a PICS report by CEOS, the aerosol load is larger for Mauritania 1 with respect to other sites [2] found by Cosnefroy et al. (1996) [3].


Mauritania 1 has been used in several studies aimed at better understanding optical sensor calibration stability through vicarious calibration, cross-calibration, and inter-comparison [4, 1, 5, 6]. This site is used by multiple low-, medium-, and high-resolution sensors such as Landsat 8 Operational Land Imager (OLI), Landsat 7 Enhanced Thematic Mapper (ETM+), Terra Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS), Earth Observing Satellite -1 (EO-1) Advanced Land Imager (ALI), Sentinel 2A Multi Spectral Instrument (MSI), Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS), Advanced Very High-Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR), and the Medium Resolution Imaging Spectrometer (MERIS).  

Closest AERONET station: IER_Cinzana [ 13.28, -5.93], 770.4 km 

Location (City, State, Country):
Mauritania, Africa
Landsat WRS - 2 Path / Row:
Center Latitude (degrees):
N 19.4
Center Longitude (degrees):
W 9.3
CEOS Region of Interest

N 19.85, W 9.75
N 19.85, W 8.85
N 18.95, W 8.85
N 18.95, W 9.75

Search this area in EarthExplorer (Landsat 8-9 Collection 2 Level-1) - date range, datasets, cloud cover and other criteria can be modified once initial results are returned

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CNES Region of Interest

N 19.50, W 9.40
N 19.50, W 9.20 
N 19.30, W 9.20
N 19.30, W 9.40

Search this area in EarthExplorer (Landsat 8-9 Collection 2 Level-1) - date range, datasets, cloud cover and other criteria can be modified once initial results are returned

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Size of Usable Area (km):
50 x 50
UTM Zone:
Altitude above sea level (meters):

  1. Lacherade, Sophie, Bertrand Fougnie, Patrice Henry, and Philippe Gamet. "Cross calibration over desert sites: Description, methodology, and operational implementation." IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 51, no. 3 (2013): 1098-1113. 
  3. Cosnefroy, Helene, Marc Leroy, and Xavier Briottet. "Selection and characterization of Saharan and Arabian desert sites for the calibration of optical satellite sensors." Remote Sensing of Environment 58, no. 1 (1996): 101-114. 
  4. Chander, Gyanesh, Xiaoxiong Jack Xiong, Taeyoung Jason Choi, and Amit Angal. "Monitoring on-orbit calibration stability of the Terra MODIS and Landsat 7 ETM+ sensors using pseudo-invariant test sites." Remote Sensing of Environment 114, no. 4 (2010): 925-939. 
  5. Chander, Gyanesh, Amit Angal, Xiaoxiong Jack Xiong, Dennis L. Helder, Nischal Mishra, Taeyoung Jason Choi, and Aisheng Wu. "Preliminary assessment of several parameters to measure and compare usefulness of the CEOS reference pseudo-invariant calibration sites." In Sensors, Systems, and Next-Generation Satellites XIV, vol. 7826, p. 78262L. International Society for Optics and Photonics, 2010. 
  6. Henry, Patrice, Gyanesh Chander, Bertrand Fougnie, Colin Thomas, and Xiaoxiong Xiong. "Assessment of spectral band impact on intercalibration over desert sites using simulation based on EO-1 Hyperion data." IEEE transactions on geoscience and remote sensing 51, no. 3 (2013): 1297-1308. 

Note: This information has been compiled by the USGS ECCOE Team, using the best sources currently known. Updates will be made as more information becomes available. Please contact with any updates you would like to contribute.