Rogers Dry Lake

EROS Cal/Val Center of Excellence (ECCOE)
Test Sites Catalog
Rogers Dry Lake
Landsat 8 LandsatLook Image Path 41 Row 36 Acquired 03 Jul 2020 with ROI indicated Google Earth Image centered on Rogers Dry Lake ROI


Rogers Dry Lake is an endorheic desert salt pan in the Mojave Desert of California. The lake is located about 160 km north of Los Angeles, California, and covers an area of about 65 square miles — the site is 20 km long and nearly 9 km wide at its greatest dimensions. The site is mostly dry year-round, unchanging, and free of debris.

The surface of the lakebed is mainly flat, with an elevation variance of millimeters every few meters.  For high resolution sensors, this site provides a uniform target.


The site has been used for vicarious calibration on a variety of satellite sensors. In-flight radiometric calibration and validation analysis have also been performed over this lake [2,3]. 

Location (City, State, Country):
Rogers Dry Lake, Edwards Air Force Base, California, USA, North America
Landsat WRS - 2 Path / Row:
Center Latitude (degrees):
N 34.96
Center Longitude (degrees):
W 117.86
CEOS Region of Interest

N 34.96, W 117.86

Search this area in EarthExplorer (Landsat 8-9 Collection 2 Level-1) - date range, datasets, cloud cover and other criteria can be modified once initial results are returned

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Size of Usable Area (km):
1 x 2
Altitude above sea level (meters):
Co-located Instrumented Networks:

  1. C. J. Bruegge et al., "Vicarious Calibration of Orbiting Carbon Observatory-2," in IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, vol. 57, no. 7, pp. 5135-5145, July 2019, doi: 10.1109/TGRS.2019.2897068. 

  2. Green, Robert, and Betina Pavri. "Inflight calibration experiment results for AVIRIS on the 6th of May 2002 at Rogers Dry Lake, California." (2004). 

  3. P.M. Teillet, P.N. Slater, Y. Ding, R.P. Santer, R.D. Jackson, M.S. Moran, Three methods for the absolute calibration of the NOAA AVHRR sensors in-flight, Remote Sensing of Environment, Volume 31, Issue 2, 1990, Pages 105-120, ISSN 0034-4257, 

Note: This information has been compiled by the USGS ECCOE Team, using the best sources currently known. Updates will be made as more information becomes available. Please contact with any updates you would like to contribute.