Sonoran Desert

EROS Cal/Val Center of Excellence (ECCOE)
Test Sites Catalog
Sonoran Desert
Landsat 8 LandsatLook Image Path 38 Row 38 Acquired 25 Mar 2020 with ROI indicated Google Earth Image centered on Sonoran Desert ROI


The Sonoran Desert is located near the Mexico and United States border. It is a large flat semi-arid region with limited vegetation cover and known seasonal variations. The site is 37 meters above sea level and has horizontal visibilities between 30 and 45 kilometers (km) [1]. The site is particularly suitable for calibration purposes because of its small spatial variations and directional effects, except at solar and viewing zenith angles above 60 degrees [2]. Laboratory measurements of sand samples from the Sonoran Desert found that the effect of soil moisture could be significant on the sites long-term stability [3].


Sonoran Desert has been widely used for satellites positioned over the Western Hemisphere and has been used for monitoring long-term trends of top of atmosphere reflectance products from low- and medium-resolution sensors, include Landsat sensors [2, 4]. Several studies showed that this site can be effectively used for long-term monitoring and cross-calibration of satellite sensors.

Location (City, State, Country):
Sonora, Mexico, North America
Landsat WRS - 2 Path / Row:
Center Latitude (degrees):
N 32.35
Center Longitude (degrees):
W 114.65
CEOS Region of Interest

N 32.35, W 114.65

Search this area in EarthExplorer (Landsat 8-9 Collection 2 Level-1 - date range, datasets, cloud cover and other criteria can be modified once initial results are returned

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Size of Usable Area (km):
15 x 15
Altitude above sea level (meters):

  1. Angal, Amit, Gyanesh Chander, Xiaoxiong Xiong, Taeyoung J. Choi, and Aisheng Wu. "Characterization of the Sonoran Desert as a radiometric calibration target for Earth observing sensors." Journal of Applied Remote Sensing 5, no. 1 (2011): 059502. 
  2. Angal, Amit, Xiaoxiong Xiong, Taeyoung Choi, Gyanesh Chander, and Aisheng Wu. "Using the Sonoran and Libyan Desert test sites to monitor the temporal stability of reflective solar bands for Landsat 7 enhanced thematic mapper plus and Terra moderate resolution imaging spectroradiometer sensors." Journal of Applied Remote Sensing 4, no. 1 (2010): 043525. 
  3.  Frouin, Robert J., and James J. Simpson. "Radiometric calibration of GOES-7 VISSR solar channels during the GOES pathfinder benchmark period." Remote sensing of environment 52, no. 2 (1995): 95-115. 
  4. D. L. Helder, S. Karki, R. Bhatt, E. Micijevic and D. Aaron, "Radiometric calibration of the Landsat MSS sensor series", IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens., vol. 50, no. 6, pp. 2380-2399, Jun. 2012.

Note: This information has been compiled by the USGS ECCOE Team, using the best sources currently known. Updates will be made as more information becomes available. Please contact with any updates you would like to contribute.